Digital Marketing
Conversion Rate Calculator

Personality Profile

Age Group

Conversion Rate Under 25 25 - 44 45 -64 65+
Conversion rates by marketing channel
CR: 1 18-24: 1 25-44: 1 45-64: 2 65+: 3
CR: 1 18-24: 1 25-44: 1 45-64: 2 65+: 3
CR: 1 18-24: 1 25-44: 1 45-64: 2 65+: 3
CR: 1 18-24: 1 25-44: 1 45-64: 2 65+: 3
CR: 1 18-24: 1 25-44: 1 45-64: 2 65+: 3
CR: 1 18-24: 1 25-44: 1 45-64: 2 65+: 3
CR: 1 18-24: 1 25-44: 1 45-64: 2 65+: 3
CR: 18-24: 25-44: 45-64: 65+:
CR: 1 18-24: 1 25-44: 1 45-64: 2 65+: 3
CR: 1 18-24: 1 25-44: 1 45-64: 2 65+: 3
CR: 1 18-24: 1 25-44: 1 45-64: 2 65+: 3
CR: 1 18-24: 1 25-44: 1 45-64: 2 65+: 3
CR: 1 18-24: 1 25-44: 1 45-64: 2 65+: 3
CR: 1 18-24: 1 25-44: 1 45-64: 2 65+: 3
CR: 1 18-24: 1 25-44: 1 45-64: 2 65+: 3
Total conversion rates per age groups
Probabilities are cumulative as it is very unlikely different channels would overlap. 18-24: 0 25-44: 0 45-64: 0 65+: 0
Efforts and costs of the marketing channels notice!
You have selected more than 30% (more than 5 out of 15) of the discussed marketing channels. This implies considerable effort to create content, distribute it, create and follow campaigns, evaluate the progress and the efficiency of each used channel.

Aside from the considerable effort, the high number of marketing channels also implies very high costs. Try to focus your efforts on a maximum of five channels that best suit your marketing capabilities and your budget.
Content-based marketing channels notice!
You chose at least a content-based marketing channels for your campaign. These types of channels imply considerable effort to be put into making the content original and useful.

Content that does not bring any obvious value can harm your campaign or brand and can discourage people from purchasing your products or services.
Conversion Rate Openness Conscientiousness Extroversion Agreeableness Neuroticism
Conversion rates by marketing channel
CR: 1 OPE: 1 CON: 1 EXT: 2 AGR: 3 NEU: 4
CR: 1 OPE: 1 CON: 1 EXT: 2 AGR: 3 NEU: 4
CR: 1 OPE: 1 CON: 1 EXT: 2 AGR: 3 NEU: 4
CR: 1 OPE: 1 CON: 1 EXT: 2 AGR: 3 NEU: 4
CR: 1 OPE: 1 CON: 1 EXT: 2 AGR: 3 NEU: 4
CR: 1 OPE: 1 CON: 1 EXT: 2 AGR: 3 NEU: 4
CR: 1 OPE: 1 CON: 1 EXT: 2 AGR: 3 NEU: 4
CR: 1 OPE: 1 CON: 1 EXT: 2 AGR: 3 NEU: 4
CR: 1 OPE: 1 CON: 1 EXT: 2 AGR: 3 NEU: 4
CR: 1 OPE: 1 CON: 1 EXT: 2 AGR: 3 NEU: 4
CR: 1 OPE: 1 CON: 1 EXT: 2 AGR: 3 NEU: 4
CR: 1 OPE: 1 CON: 1 EXT: 2 AGR: 3 NEU: 4
CR: 1 OPE: 1 CON: 1 EXT: 2 AGR: 3 NEU: 4
CR: 1 OPE: 1 CON: 1 EXT: 2 AGR: 3 NEU: 4
Total conversion rates per personality profiles
Probabilities are cumulative as it is very unlikely different channels would overlap. OPE: 0 CON: 0 EXT: 0 AGR: 0 NEU: 0
Efforts and costs of the marketing channels!
You have selected more than 30% (more than 5 out of 15) of the discussed marketing channels. This implies considerable effort to create content, distribute it, create and follow campaigns, evaluate the progress and the efficiency of each used channel.

Aside from the considerable effort, the high number of marketing channels also implies very high costs. Try to focus your efforts on a maximum of five channels that best suit your marketing capabilities and your budget.
Content-based marketing channels notice!
You chose at least a content-based marketing channels for your campaign. These types of channels imply considerable effort to be put into making the content original and useful.

Content that does not bring any obvious value can harm your campaign or brand and can discourage people from purchasing your products or services.

Although content-based channels have the highest conversion rates, not all personalities respond the same to these channels. People high in Extroversion or Agreeableness are less likely to read your blog content, while people high in Conscientiousness are less likely to watch your video content, unless it is highly informative (for example online courses, workshops or tutorials).


Adamant Links Conversion Calculator uses publicly shared data from the following sources!

Scientific Studies

Adamant Links Conversion Calculator uses concepts, ideas and results from the following scientifc studies!

  • "Computational Personality Recognition in Social Media", by Golnoosh Farnadi, Geetha Sitaraman, Shanu Sushmita, Fabio Celli, Michal Kosinski, David Stillwell, Sergio Davalos, Marie-Francine Moens and Martine De Cock, 2016
  • "Self-presentation and belonging on Facebook: How personality influences social media use and motivations", by Gwendolyn Seidman, 2013
  • "The Big Five Personality Traits, Big Two Metatraits and Social Media: A Meta-Analysis", by W. Keith Campbell, 2016
  • "The effect of media involvement on print advertising effectiveness", by Steven Tipps, 2006
  • "Personality and Social Media Use", by Homero Gil de Zúñiga, Amber W. Hinsley, Ingrid Bachmann and Teresa Correa, 2014
  • "Making Use of Derived Personality: The Case of Social Media Ad Targeting", by Jilin Chen, Eben Haber, Ruogu Kang, Gary Hsieh amd Jalal Mahmud, 2015
  • "The Role of Personality in Advertising Perception: An Eye Tracking Study", by Marco M. Nitzschner, Ursa K. J. Nagler, John F. Rauthmann, Alexandra Steger and Marco R. Furtner, 2015
  • "Personality in Computational Advertising: A Benchmark", by Giorgio Roffo and Alessandro Vinciarelli, 2016
  • "who Tends to Forward Viral advertising Videos? The Effects of Demographics, Social Media Use, and Personality on the Intent to Forward Viral Video Ads", by Wilburn Lane and Christopher Manner, 2014
  • "The relationship between networking behaviors and the Big Five personality dimensions", by Sowon Kim and Hans-Georg Wolff, 2012
  • "The Moderating Effect of Personality Traits on Attitudes Toward Advertisments: a Contingency Framewrok", by Susan D. Mayers , Sandipan Sen and Aliosha Alexandrov, 2010
  • "Psychological targeting as an effective approach to digital mass persuasion", by S. C. Matz, View ORCID ProfileM. Kosinski, G. Nave, and D. J. Stillwell, 2017
  • "Personality Influences Advertisement Likeness", by Kamran Siddiqui, 2011
  • "Who Blogs? Personality Predictors of Blogging", by Rosanna E. Guadagno, Bradley M. Okdie and Cassie A. Eno, 2013
  • "Behavioral Study on Advertising and Marketing Practices in Online Social Media", by the GFK Consortium for the European Commision, 2018
  • "Personality and Internet usage: A large-scale representative study of young adults", by Gloria Mark and Yoav Ganzach, 2014
  • "Personality traits and Internet usage across generation cohorts: Insights from a nationally representative study", by John Magnus Roos & Ali Kazemi, 2018
  • "Personality Filters for Online News Interest and Engagement", by Ragnhild and Arne Krumsvik, 2019
  • "Predicting Attitudes Towards Advertisment Strategy Based on Personality", by Ezekiel B. Skovron, 2019
  • "Personality Types and Facebook Advertising: An Exploratory Study", by Lillian Clark and Levent Çallı, 2014
  • "Communication and Personality. The Importance of Building Messages According to Personality Traits", by Beatrice Adriana Balgiu1, Victor Adîr, 2013
  • "Personality, media preferences, and cultural participation", by Gerbert Kraaykamp and Koen van Eijck, 2005
  • "Effects of Influencer Marketing on Instagram", by Joachim Riedla and Lisa von Luckwald, 2019
  • "Recommendation for Video Advertisements based on Personality Traits and Companion Content", by Sanorita Dey, Brittany RL Duff, Niyati Chhaya, Wai Fu, Vishy Swaminathan and Karrie Karahalios, 2020
  • "The Impact of Personality Traits on Smartphone Ownership and Use", by Wilburn Lane and Chris Manner, 2011
  • "The Impact of the Big Five Personality Traits on the Acceptance of Social Networking Website", by Peter A. Rosen and Donald H. Kluemper, 2008
  • "Sending Memorable Messages to the Old: Age Differences in Preferences and Memory for Advertisements", by Helene H. Fung and Laura L. Carstensen, 2003